

這首歌收錄於Beady Eye第一張專輯《Different Gear, Still Speeding》中,同時也是第四支單曲。

MV 拍攝於 Beady Eye 米蘭與馬德里兩場巡迴演出間的空檔,拍攝地點是西班牙東北Cadaqués到Figueres間的沿海公路,也是薩爾瓦多·達利故居與美術館所在地,西班牙東北有幾個城鎮我非常嚮往,這是其中兩個~~

Andy Bell談這首歌的創作背景:

'The song "Millionaire" was written in 2007. I wrote it after a trip to Spain. It was springtime, it was still snowing in Sweden, and I happened to be talking to my mate Iain, who I know from years back in Oxford. He'd moved out to Barcelona a few years before, and he just said get yourself over here for a week. Got to Barcelona, sure enough the sun was beating down, it was great, and after a few days there we ended up going on this road trip up to Cadaqués for the weekend. Cadaqués is this nice little fishing village and to be honest I didn't get why I was being taken there, then when we went to this bar and it was full of pictures of Salvador Dali hanging out with the Rolling Stones and I started to realise there was something a bit special about the place.

Millionaire 寫於2007年,在一次西班牙旅遊之後。那是一個春天時分,瑞典仍下著雪,我與我在牛津認識的多年老友伊恩聊天。他幾年前搬到巴塞隆納居住,他邀我去他那兒一週。抵達巴塞隆納,陽光閃耀著,棒透了,幾天後,我們開車前往Cadaqués度過週末。Cadaqués是個可愛的小漁村,但老實說,我並不是很明瞭為何我被帶到那兒,然後,當我們去到一個酒吧,裡頭掛滿了薩爾瓦多·達利與滾石樂隊的合照,我才開始意識到那是個非凡的地方。

'So the next day we decide to drive from the coast to Figueres, which is where the Dali museum is, it's like the main town round there. We left Cadaqués, stopped off at the Lighthouse at Port Ligat first for breakfast and a look at Dali's house. It was an amazing day, blue sky, got in the car, put on the Pink Floyd album 'Meddle'. This is the favourite Floyd album of most people I know from Oxford. I don't know why, it just is. Most northerners I know prefer 'The Wall' but 'Meddle' is ours which kind of fits as it is quite light and easy going, much like most of us Oxford heads. So the first tune is 'One Of These Days', it's blasting, we are driving fast through all these cliff roads, with the waves crashing around, the tune has all these guitar sounds that sound like a car revving up, it seemed to fit. We left the album playing, didn't say much, and as the car pulled up outside the Dali museum in Figueres the last notes of 'Echoes', the last song on the album were playing.

於是,第二天我們決定駕車沿著海岸到Figueres,達利美術館的所在地,亦為該地區的主要城鎮。我們離開Cadaqués,中途停留Port Lligat燈塔享用早餐並參觀了達利故居。這是很棒的一天,天空湛藍,上車後播放起Pink Floyd 的專輯“Meddle”《好管閒事》。這是我所認識多數牛津人最喜歡的一張Floyd專輯,我不知道為什麼,但就是這樣。我認識的北方人則大多偏愛 “The Wall”,但“Meddle”很輕快、隨和,與我們牛津人相當合拍。第一首 One Of These Days,具有爆破感,我們在懸崖邊的公路疾駛,海浪激烈拍打著岩石,曲中的吉他聲,就像汽車馬達以高速運轉著。一路上就這樣放著這張專輯,並無太多談話,車子開到了達利美術館, 正好放到最後一首歌 'Echoes'。

'The mixtape I made is based around 'Meddle', but I managed to weave in some other music which fits the mood. Most of that was music that we were playing during the video shoot. Gem brought a load of CDs of stuff like The Doors, Dungen, Jimi Hendrix for the drive. It was cool showing the rest of the band the scenery that is the backdrop of the song. The really weird thing about the video is that we were on a day off between two gigs, in Milan and Madrid, and if you put your finger on a map inbetween those two places, you are in Cadaqués. So it felt fated that we would film the video there. Like most things about Beady Eye, it just fell into place.'

我以“Meddle”為基底製作混音帶, 但我成功地穿插其他適合當下狀態的音樂於其中。多數是MV拍攝過程中,我們放的音樂。Gem帶了一堆CD,The Doors, Dungen, Jimi Hendrix 供一邊開車時聽。與其他成員介紹這一路上的景色就是這首歌的靈感來源, 我覺得很酷。奇妙的是MV是我們在米蘭和馬德里兩場演出的空檔拍的,如果你在地圖上指出米蘭與馬德里, 再看這兩個地方連線的中點, 你會發現你就在Cadaqués。因此,我覺得我們命中注定要在此拍攝這首歌的MV。就像與Beady Eye有關的多數事件, 它們就這樣天時地利人和地發生了。

Andy為這趟40多分鐘的旅程製作的Mix (Radio Cadaqués) 在下面可以收聽,想像一下在那段沿海公路上開車飛馳的同時,放著這段 Mix,一定很有FU的~

Millionaire 歌詞:

Sweet Cadaques to Figueres a 40 minute ride
You drive it and I spend it looking out my window
Sweet Salvador the shadows painted and the light he saw
The way I see it now so clear like diamonds on the water

A medal with me and you’ll meddle with yourself
For there is a higher wealth
Love them like a millionaire
Medals on your premonition rags
You just need to know yourself
And love them like a millionaire

Her faded glamour out of season as the ages pass
Desperate for inspiration as the months run down like rain
Sweet sound the door I stood outside your door
And saw the light out shining in the summer like the way the light shines out the water

A medal with me and you’ll meddle with yourself
For there is a higher wealth
Love them like a millionaire
Medals on your premonition rags
You just need to know yourself
And love them like a millionaire

Like a lover, like a lover, like a lover

A medal with me and you’ll meddle with yourself
For there is a higher wealth
Love them like a millionaire
Medals on your premonition rags
You just need to know yourself
And love them like a millionaire


這首歌一開頭便帶著鄉村民謠味,也令人很有在地中海沿岸兜風的畫面與Relax的感覺,歌詞不僅是帶有異國風情也蘊藏一股藝術氣息 (但是有點過於深奧以至於我抓不太到他真正想表達的idea >”<),歌詞也略有詩句的感覺,像第一段與第三段的倒數兩行這般遙相呼應著。

MV基本上就是重走一遍那段激發創作靈感的旅程,團員們在MV裡都超帥!! 尤其是開車的Andy >///< 連年輕可愛的打工貝斯手 Jeff Wootton 都有入鏡~ 最後一段大家在酒吧裡融洽開心的畫面真美好,Liam&Gem都露出好萌的笑容!😍 鏡頭還悄悄地帶過了擺在桌上的 《Meddle》。

看完MV、聽完Andy的Radio Cadaques,我都想來趟Road-trip了...西班牙的陽光、地中海的海風、沿海公路上的敞篷車、 Cadaqués的希臘式風情、Port Lligat達利故居、很多Dali的小酒館...未來若有機會重訪西班牙並走那段路,我也要來假掰地放上面那段Mix以及這首歌~ XD


Cadaqués是一個迷人的小漁村,房子都以藍白色為主,圍著海邊依山而建,是西班牙境內最像希臘的地方。小小的海港滿是小木船,晴空之下海港銀光閃閃,看著打魚的漁夫和戲水的小孩,像去了一個無憂國度。Cadaqués 與聞名於世的超現實主義大宗師達利(Dali)有著密切關係。達利出生在Cadaqués附近的小鎮 Figueres(菲格拉斯),他在 Cadaqués 建立其第一個藝術室,並在Cadaqués 邂逅他的妻子,後來更在這裡建立了他們的家。現在去到Cadaqués,仍然可以參觀達利的故居。來到這個迷人的漁村,就會明白為甚麼達利能夠繪出色彩那樣炫麗的作品。


美麗的白色小鎮 Cadaqués


Casa Dali
Salvador Dalí House Museum


Salvador Dalí House Museum


達利戲劇博物館 (Dalí Theatre-Museum)

Meeting in Figueres
Figueres  街上的雕塑

同場加映另一個西班牙東北我也超嚮往的小鎮 - Girona








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