基本上有Fallen empires的新歌也有過去經典的曲目
0:00:00 Hands open
0:04:40 Take back for city
0:09:16 Crack the Shutters
0:12:50 This isn't everything you are
0:18:25 Set the fire to the third bar
0:22:48 Run
0:29:05 New York
0:33:28 Make this go on forever
0:41:39 Shut your eyes
0:47:00 Chasing cars
0:53:00 Chocolate
0:56:36 Called out in the dark
1:00:45 Fallen Empires
1:06:10 Open your eyes
1:12:06 you're all I have
1:20:00 Lifening
1:26:00 Just say yes
天知道何年何月何日才有機會在台灣看到他們,說不定等到有機會能去看他們live時,他們已經不太唱經典曲目如Run, Chasing cars…那將會超遺憾啊!!
這場live光看水管就已感動不已了,如果在現場應該會幸福地垂淚吧~~ 有些歌CD聽來還好,live重新編曲整個FU都不一樣了。"Run" 每一場live氣氛/氣勢都超讚,台下也都少不了大合唱,好希望自己也在台下…T^T